
Cancer Risk Factors

Cancer is a disease that has claimed millions of lives. It is often shrouded in mystery. This disease leaves the sick-patient wondering  if he/she is doing enough to protect ourselves. 
The truth is, cancer risk factors are more prevalent than we think, and understanding them can be the key to saving our lives.

It will interest you to know that 40% of cancer cases are preventable. 
By identifying and addressing cancer risk factors, it becomes possible to significantly reduce our chances of developing this devastating disease.
So, what are these hidden dangers, and how can they be overcome:

(I) Tobacco: 
It is the leading cause of preventable cancer-deaths. tobacco-usage accounts for 22% of cancer fatalities. Quitting today can significantly takedown its risk.
(ii) Obesity: 
Excess weight increases the risk of 13 types of cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise can help mitigate this risk.
(iii) UV Radiation: 
Skin cancer is on the rise, and UV radiation from the sun and tanning beds are to blame. Protect your skin with sunscreen, clothing, and shade.
(iv) Hormones: 
Hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills can increase cancer risk. It is necessary to consult your doctor about alternative options.
(V) Family History: 
Knowing your family's cancer history can help you take preventative measures.It is always important to share your family's medical history with your doctor.
(vi) Infections: 
Certain viruses and bacteria, like HPV and H. pylori can increase cancer risk. Get vaccinated and practice safe sex.
(vii) Environmental Toxins: 
Exposure to harmful chemicals in our environment can increase cancer risk. Limit exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and radon.
(viii) Lack of Physical Activity: A sedentary lifestyle can increase cancer risk. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity everyday.
(ix) Poor Diet: A diet high in processed foods, sugar, and saturated fats can increase cancer risk. Opt for whole, nutrient-rich foods.
(x) Alcohol Consumption: 
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase cancer risk. 
It is crucial to take down your drinks to moderate levels.

Now that you know the hidden dangers, it's time to take control. By understanding cancer risk factors and making informed choices, you can take down your risk and live healthier lives. Don't wait until it's too late. Take the first step towards a cancer-free future today.

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