
Understanding Cirrhosis and it's Tormenting Consequences

It is very important to know this subject called Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis  is a chronic liver disease. This disease is a silent killer,it shows no mercy. While this disease hurts nations and their economies, it affects millions of people all round the world. 
Until the disease gets to its advanced stages, it frequently advances gradually and has no outward signs and symptoms. Examining the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, available treatments, and the agonizing effects of ignoring this illness are all crucial aspects of the theory of cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis was found as a result of chronic liver damage, leading to scarring and permanent termination. The main culprits are: 
(I) alcohol abuse; (ii) viral hepatitis (B, C, and D); (iii) fatty liver disease (NAFLD/NASH); (iv) autoimmune disorders; and (v) genetic predisposition. Symptoms: Cirrhosis is a master of disguise, often masquerading itself as other conditions. 
The symptoms of cirrhosis needed to be watched out for: are 
(I) Tiredness; 
(ii) loss of appetite; 
(iii) nausea and vomiting; 
(iv) abdominal pain and swelling; 
(v) yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice). 
(vi) dark urine and pale stools 
(vii) Confusion and memory loss 

Cirrhosis is diagnosed by a combination of physical examination, medical history, and diagnostic procedures (liver biopsy, imaging investigations, and blood tests). 

Treatment and Management: Although there is no cure for cirrhosis but it can be slowed down gradually in its progression with early detection and treatment. 
(I) Modifications to lifestyle: 
The kind of lifestyle must be adjusted by cutting down on some food, drinks and adding some recommended exercise to it so you can get back to health (non-drinking, eating well and exercising) (ii) Drugs (to control problems and symptoms) 
(iii) Transplanting the liver (in severe situations) Consequences: Ignoring cirrhosis can result in serious issues including: 
(I) Hepatocellular carcinoma 
(liver cancer); 
(ii) Portal hypertension; 
(iii) Esophageal varices; 
(iv) Ascites; and 
(v) Liver failure (vi) Demise Cirrhosis is usually a silent killer that needs to be addressed.

Generally, you will have to fight against cirrhosis and combat this condition by being aware of its causes, identifying its symptoms, and getting medical attention as soon as possible. 
This will help you maintain control over your liver health and prevent the debilitating effects of the disease.

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