
Responsible-Alcohol Consumption     

Whenever someone consumes alcohol, chemical reactions initiate in the person's body. 
This is one of the reasons it is crucial you aware of the impact alcohol makes in/on  your body and the amount of alcohol you consume on a daily basis. 
It is very crucial to keep track of your alcohol intake so you can maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol and avoiding excessive alcohol-consumption. 

Now you will begin to understand: 
(I) the importance of tracking your alcohol intake, 
(ii) how to do it effectively, and 
(iii) the benefits of staying within daily limits.

The Excessive-Alcohol-Consumption Risks :
The consumption of too much alcohol can lead to various health problems including:

(I) Liver damage
(ii) Increased risk of cancer
(iii) Heart disease
(iv) Mental health issues
(v) Impaired cognitive function

Daily-Limit Plan 
The relevance(s) for setting daily limits to avoid these risks will be understood in this resources. It has an essence to set daily limits for yourself.

The general guidelines include:
For women: 
Consume up to one standard alcohol glass-cup per day (7-10 grams of pure alcohol)

For men: 
Consume up to two standard alcohol glass-cup per day (14-20 grams of pure alcohol)

Alcohol-Intake Tracking:
Fortunately, tracking your alcohol intake is no longer a difficult task:
The materials to use for tracking alcohol intake include: 

(I) Mobile apps such as Alcohol Consumption Tracker, Alcohol Tracker, or Sober Grid
(ii) A physical journal or log
(iii) Online tools and calculators

Alcohol-Tracking Benefits:
By monitoring your alcohol-consumption habits, you'will:

(I) Stay within daily limits
(ii) Identify patterns and triggers
(iii) Make informed decisions about your alcohol consumption habits
(iv) Reduce your risk of alcohol-related health problems
(v) Feel more in control of your alcohol consumption

In general tracking your alcohol intake is a simple yet effective way to maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol. 
By setting daily limits and monitoring your alcohol consumption, you will get empowered to make positive changes and reduce your risk of alcohol-related harm. 
Start tracking your alcohol intake today and take control of your alcohol consumption.

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